
Business Rates are a significant overhead for any business. They can typically equate to 45% of the market rental value of your premises.

The Valuation Office Agency has calculated the current 2010 Rating List bills on hypothetical rental values pertaining to the 31st March 2008. These are not always correct as the information available to the Valuation Office is sometimes inaccurate or not available.

Many Business Rates assessments are successfully challenged and can provide substantial savings for commercial property occupiers. A welcomed result in these tight economic times.

Let us look at your Rating Assessments and see if we can save you money.

Our rating consultant can provide detailed advice including:

  • Valuations for budgetary purposes
  • Check your rates bill
  • Complete rating returns
  • Advise on reductions during building work
  • Negotiate your assessment
  • Represent you at Rating Tribunal


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